This is a series of articles I put together in late 2011 and early 2012 covering geospatial application development with Ruby on Rails.
- Getting Down To Earth: Geospatial Analysis With Rails (RailsConf 2012)
- Geo-Rails Part 9: The PostGIS spatial_ref_sys Table and You
- Geo-Rails Part 8: ZCTA Lookup, A Worked Example
- Geo-Rails Part 7: Geometry vs. Geography, or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Projections
- Geo-Rails Part 6: Scaling Spatial Applications
- Geo-Rails Part 5: Spatial Data Formats
- Geo-Rails Part 4: Coordinate Systems and Projections
- Geo-Rails Part 3: Spatial Data Types with RGeo
- Geo-Rails Part 2: Setting Up a Geospatial Rails App
- Geo-Rails Part 1: A Call to Revolution