Daniel Azuma

New Maintainer for RGeo

Today I'm naming Tee Parham as the new official maintainer of the GeoRails stack (rgeo, activerecord-postgis-adapter, and six other related gems). I will continue to help with the project as I am able, but Tee will take over day to day administration and maintenance of the code.

As some have found out, I changed jobs a little less than a year ago, and my new position, alas, does not involve much Ruby development. As much as I have wanted to continue to take a primary role in developing rgeo and its suite of libraries, I'm forced to concede I'm not going to be able to do so.

Tee has been a long time contributor and active member of the community, and I'm confident he's the right person to continue to make Ruby an awesome platform for local and geospatial applications. His company, neighborland.com, will be supporting him in this role.

I've moved the source repositories for all eight gems into a new RGeo Github organization that Tee will administer.

Please feel free to contact Tee or myself if you have any questions, or if you're interested in joining the development team.

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